Daily Archives: November 2, 2015

October Recap: Banned Books, Witches and Time Travel, Oh My!

Out goes the spiced apple cider, Halloween movies and carved pumpkins; in comes the eggnog, It’s A Wonderful Life on repeat, holiday decorations and wishlists. As we move into November and start the inevitable march towards the holiday season, let’s take a look back at the waning days (and blog posts) of Fall.

Tis’ the Season


This month saw quite a few seasonally themed posts. Scott introduced us to some non-traditional vampire reads, and Natalie waxed nostalgic over the Goosebumps series and the upcoming film adaptation. Tara shared her 12 horror movie picks for October, while Jess examined the campy and sweet 1986 TV movie The Worst Witch. Joelle recommended some spooky music to get us into the holiday spirit, and both Abbey and Natalie shared chilling and supernatural reads  for the haunting season.

Banned Books

image courtesy of the PA ACLU - click through for event page.

This year we celebrated banned books week (Sept. 27- Oct. 3) with a handful of posts. Isabelle challenged readers to a banned books quiz, while Jess presented readers with the top-ten most challenged titles of 2014 and Carl closed out the week with some final thoughts on the importance of libraries and intellectual freedom.

Reading Recommendations

A Manual for Cleaning Women     Sisters of the Revolution. Click on image to reserve a library copy.   womeninclothes   Wonderful Town   Loosed Upon the World

Melissa F. shared some recent short story collections — perfect for reading right before bedtime, while Leigh Anne recommended some recent favorites in the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. Irene looked past Halloween to the upcoming holiday season, and all of the books she hopes to find under the tree this year. And Jess took a moment out her busy week to contemplate the benefits of living life at a slower pace.

Other Recommendations

Melissa M. related her love of not only cookbooks, but also foodie fiction reads, while Kayla was excited for the new fall television season as well as the show Jane the Virgin. Ross got hyped for the upcoming Steven Spielberg adaptation of Ready Player One, and Melissa F. invited readers on a library trip to Neverland. Meanwhile, Scott got his bleak on with the new film Sicario, and recommended some thematically similar films.

doc-and-martyAnd finally, the Eleventh Stack crew celebrated the 30th anniversary of the original Back to the Future film in style, by sharing our memories and trivia of this seminal 1980s flick.

Thanks as always for reading and following along!

-The Eleventh Stack Team

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