Daily Archives: June 12, 2013

June is Bustin’ Out (Great Books) All Over!

Let’s pretend that as a middle-schooler, I wasn’t a “townsperson” (read: not-very-talented extra) in my hometown’s production of Carousel, and get right to the point…  June is a great month to to bust out and  publish a doozy of a book.

Do we have some doozy summer reads for you?  We do!  Check them out today, and then add them to your Summer Reading account.  They will help you become eligible for fabulous prizes.  And don’t forget to check eCLP to read some of these titles on your tablet, laptop, or smart phone!


Unmastered: A Book on Desire, Most Difficult to Tell by Katherine Angel is a “genre-buster.”  Is it poetry?  Is it biographical?  Oprah lists it  as a must-read for the summer – for fans of experimental literature and/or Anaïs Nin.


The Shining Girls is already being compared to Gone Girl.  In this summer’s page turner, bright young girls are stalked by a serial killer in  a house that just happens to have time traveling tendencies.


This stray jumps right into the meat of big human questions, in a graphic novel with simple art work and fable-like story telling from Graham Chaffee.  Share Good Dog with the whole family!


You can call this one a double doozy! Parade says of The Ocean at the End of the Lane: “A young boy discovers a neighboring family’s supernatural secret. Soon his innocence is tested by ancient, magical forces, and he learns the power of true friendship. The result is a captivating read, equal parts sweet, sad, and spooky.”


Stephen King is back at it with Joyland.  According to The Telegraph, “American imprint Hard Case Crime is a deliberately retro pulp paperback press, and Joyland is Stephen King’s second deliberately retro pulp paperback written for it.” Also, Mr. King discusses the book in an interview with Neil Gaiman.


TransAtlantic is the newest effort by Colum McCann. What do Frederick Douglass, Alcock and Brown, and Senator George Mitchell have in common?  Their stories are woven together by the talented Irish author of Let the Great World Spin.  Lit fiction fans, get ready to drool.
Big Brother is a fiction novel that Lionel Shriver decided to write after losing her big brother to obesity-related illness. This novel dives right into all of the social and personal sticky, sticky wickets that accompany any discussion of food, weight, and health in America.

Happy Summer Reading!


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