The Waiting Game

1559568_536003949850058_1098489423_nRecently I picked up The Name of the Star thanks to Abbey’s post, The Ripper. I managed to devour this book in less than 24 hours and then spent the rest of the weekend counting down the minutes until I was back at work and could grab the second book in the Shades of London series, The Madness Underneath. I was hooked with the suspenseful story and relationships. Rory, an American High School student, travels to London to attend boarding school. While there she becomes embroiled in a series of murders that are mimicking the original 1880s murders attributed to Jack the Ripper and she ends up with protection from a special police unit. This book scared the living bajesus out of me. I was reading it in my MIL’s basement while we were visiting and I had to trick my husband into turning on all the lights for me so it wasn’t so dark. (I even sent my five year old up the stairs in front of me. I win parenting.) Then I had scary dreams! No kidding.

When I got back to work I immediately went for the second book in the series and managed to finish it that night. This was a bone-headed move, not because I scared myself again but because The Madness Underneath ends with a gigantic cliff hanger, and by gigantic I really mean soul-crushing. Worst of all the third in the series isn’t scheduled to come out until Septemberish 2014.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SEPTEMBER? I am sitting here still waiting for spring and this book is talking about FALL?!?! Not cool. But at least I was lucky enough to have that information; when book two was originally published last year author Maureen Johnson hadn’t put out ANY indication of when the third book might be available. So now all I can do is sit. AND WAIT. Well I have also spent an embarrassing amount of time on Goodreads and other like forums talking to Shades of London fans (who are all at LEAST a decade or more younger than me). Amy-Poehler-as-cool-mom-in-Mean-Girls-GIF

I think this is unfair. I mean I am one of those people who also had to wait for all the Harry Potter books to come out too…these kids today can just come to the library and check out the whole series in one go if they want to. Also … get off my lawn.

Oh well. If anyone wants to form a ‘waiting for publication’ support group you know where to find me.

-Grumpy Nat


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7 responses to “The Waiting Game

  1. I read it, very scaring indeed!!

  2. gatergirl96

    I will have to check this book out. I also, know what you mean about waiting hate it! I waited for Harry Potter too and currently waiting on the next Game of Thrones book!

  3. Hi,

    September??? That’s a long time to have to wait … good grief! Don’t you hate that!


  4. The question is, how much extra would you be willing to pay to get the book a few months early? Publishers of series might be leaving money on the table by stretching out release times too long. :)

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