Baby It’s Cold Outside!

As I’m writing this, it’s a balmy 30 degrees outside and I’m feeling thankful that it’s at least sunny out there. You will never, ever hear me complain about hot weather but the cold is a whole other story. Here are a few of my ideas for surviving the cold weather in Pittsburgh:

Phipps Conservatory: Just up the street from the Main Library, I spend a lot of time here every winter. There’s nothing like escaping the cold by wandering around lush tropical flowers and cacti, not to mention the gorgeous holiday decorations at this time of year. The Winter Light Garden is also a fun distraction from the cold, and on weekends my kids love the Saturdays with the Sugarplum Fairy dance class and photo ops with Santa!

CLP events: I spend a lot of time at the library, obviously. But despite working here, I come here a lot during cold weather weekends too– where else can you find something that will entertain everyone in the family (especially stir crazy kids)? We like to come to the Sunday Lego Club in the Children’s department and the various Sunday music programs (like this one), but whenever I’m stuck for something to do on a weekend I check our events page for other options.

The Oliver Bath House: I love being able to go swimming in the winter! One of my favorite things about Pittsburgh is its extensive network of community recreation centers like this one.

Divergent by Veronica Roth: Really, any series of YA literature would do here, the more dystopian the better. I love reading series of books after they’re already written. This trilogy, set in a post-apocalyptic Chicago, is on my reading list for these cold weekends.

I am the Upsetter: The Story of Lee “Scratch” Perry Golden Years Maybe it’s a subconscious longing for warmer days, but every winter I start listening to reggae and dub again. This box set has several hours worth of music so you don’t have to think about what you’ll listen to next.

Who else has some tried and true winter diversions?



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4 responses to “Baby It’s Cold Outside!

  1. Human Interest

    Reblogged this on Human Interest.

  2. Cold out there in Pittsburg? Well, what you have over there is probably coming over this way soon. I’m about a 6 hr. drive from you via the PA Turnpike. Today was nice and balmy, if you can believe that. It almost hit 70 degrees! Can’t believe this weather right now. One day it’s one temp. and the next it’s colder. Speaking of colder, It’s supposed to snow on Wednesday! Nothing little, mind you. There calling for close to a foot of the white stuff! I’m not much in a big thrill about this, but not much I can do about it. Looks like we might have a White Thanksgiving.

    On snow day’s and nasty weather I usually stay home here and work in my little machine shop, read, or type here on my Laptop. Nothing fancy. Or if it’s clear, but still cold I may bundle up and take my Pentax K10D out for a walk around, until I start getting too cold.

    I’m watching, but may not say much

  3. Tara

    I also have a tendency to listen to a lot of island music in winter, especially stuff off the Studio One / Soul Jazz label. This is a good one: I just found out they have a Reggae Christmas album as well!

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